Kaneyama, Town of murmuring streams 16@ The Ohzeki CanalPCQCRCS@Kaneyama riverT@Near the Town HallUCVCWCXCPOCPP @Near Shrine PQCPRCPSCPTCPU@The Megane canal@PVCPWCPX |
Another small stream here1
@Water diverted from the ditch on the west side of Tokamachi Street running
north-south. The stream flows along the narrow property line. There seem
to be several lsuch kind of streams.
@The old post office@From town documents. The post office is on Tokamachi Street. Currently
it is used as information exchange Salon.@ |
Another small stream here1
@Flow from Tokamachi Street. Seems to be different from the flow above picture.
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