Kaneyama, Town of murmuring streams 1,Yamagata prefecture@2022.12iphoto2022.5j
@The Ohzeki CanalPCQCRCS@Kaneyama riverT@Near the Town HallUCVCWCXCPOCPP @Near Shrine PQCPRCPSCPTCPU@The Megane canal@PVCPWCPX |
The Ohzeki Canal Park
@The Ohzeki Canal is an irrigation canal, which runs through the park.
There are many diversions of water flow through the town. The town was
an inn town in the Edo period.
@GSI Map
@google map
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Murmuring streams map@
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Branch Pond
@Many scarlet carp.
@In this park, there is a monument of Isabella Bird, who traveled to the Northeast in the Meiji era and wrote a travelogue.
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